Sunday, July 24, 2011

Week 9_PRABE#8

I have a single literary weakness, the True Blood series. There is nothing redeeming in any literary fashion from these books. Even while I'm reading them I wonder why. The characters are just silly and their motivations are often shallow and obvious. But, for some reason, I read them like candy. It doesn't hurt that I adore the TV show developed around them. But the show is darker and edgier and I prefer it greatly to the books. But, since I finally saw the most recent one in paperback, I bought it and have been happily reading it over my lunch hour this week. (Well, for two days, they are super quick reads.) Dead In The Family by Charlaine Harris was no exception to the silly fun that the previous ones in the series were. The problem with these books is that now that there have been 10 of them, I can't exactly remember where one thing happened as opposed to another. I know the basic plot from start to finish, but they all tend to blend together without many distinctions arising from any of them. This one in particular dealt with the further political repercussions of the different natured creatures declaring their existence, Sooki's PTSD from past trauma, vampire family lines and her own family's special powers. And fairies. Lots of drama, lots of randomness and some smut thrown in for effect. Good times.

7/18/11 - 60 minutes
7/19/11 - 60 minutes

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