Well, since we had tickets to go see the midnight premiere of Harry Potter 7 with our oldest daughter this weekend, I went ahead and re-read the entire book 7. We were on vacation with our friends and had a ton of time to read on the drive there and while the kids were splashing around in the pool. I finished it Sunday evening, with my husband asking me to read out loud at around the third-to-last chapter. I'm not sure how much I love the ending of the book/series. On one hand, it satisfies the whole "happily ever after" thing that I have going on. On the other hand, it seems a little too "happily ever after". I know, quite a few people die during the series, so there is some loss and it's not where the good guys are invincible or anything. Seeing the movie was fun, but of course, it was nowhere near as good as the book. There's no way that everything included in the books would be able to be portrayed in the movies, of course. But, the final battle seemed weak compared to the chapters and chapters of description attributed to it in the book. It certainly made our six hour drive go by quickly on Sunday, having this book to read.
7/10/11 - 240 minutes
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