I have to confess that I was out of town this week at my grandmother's house and forgot my backpack by the door at home. So, I did not have the books that I had planned to read in my down time with me. My grandmother's house is out in the middle of nowhere and the only books around are Jackie Collins novels. Forgive me for not being desperate enough to crack one of those; I just couldn't do it. There were a plethora of magazines, though, so I dug in to a few of those. Some were home decorating magazines and I admit that I only looked at the pictures. There were some People magazines and I did read some of those articles. One was about the Toddlers to Tiaras kids. There was one mom that dressed her 3-year-old daughter in a costume modeled after Julia Roberts's prostitute costume from Pretty Woman. Classy and so appropriate, right? I also found out what designer I would wear if I became a celebrity and had to do so: Marchesa. They are just gorgeous. I didn't just read trashy crap magazines, though. My grandparents have years and years of National Geographic magazines in their home. I worked my way through a few of those. The one I really enjoyed was from 1986 and was about the Santa Fe Trail. My grandparents live on the trail and have wagon wheel ruts on their land to this day from the days of the great migration. Many of the things that the article covered were straight out of the Oregon Trail computer game that I played as a kid. Others detailed poignant personal struggles and travels and motivations of the travelers. There were amazing photographs and I thought about these people on my drive home as I looked at the landscape around me and wondered how it looked back then to the myriad of people that made that trip over a hundred years before me.
11/23/11 - 40 min
11/24/11 - 30 min
11/25/11 - 45 min
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