Saturday, August 6, 2011

Week 11_PRABE #10

I did not have time for reading this week. With school starting soon, soccer club gearing up and all the finals coursework for my classes, I have been swamped every evening after work. But, I have Fridays off, so I took the kids to the pool for a few hours and spent a chunk of that time reading. I just grabbed a book that I have read before off of the shelf and started re-reading it. It was Lies My Teacher Told Me by James Loewen. I haven't read this for a couple of years, so it was nice to revisit it. I find that I'm reading it from a different perspective now that I'm studying to be a teacher. Where as the first time I read it I was homeschooling my young daughter and reading it for my own interest. Now I find the sections like the one about the invisibility of racism in history text books even more impactful. I'm glad this is the book that I chose to take with me yesterday because it was good to get a reminder about the things that I was taught that don't hold up historically and use that when teaching my own classes.

8/5/11 - 90 minutes

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